

Frequently asked questions

What is the meaning of the various colors and patterns in a progress bar?
The solid darker green bar is confirmed production (already checked-in); the solid lighter green bar is currently estimated production taking into account how long each member has been offline (i.e., it would be the confirmed value if everyone checked-in now); the striped bar is projected total production before contract expiration. You can hover over or click on the progress bar to reveal more details in a tooltip. In general, many UI elements can be hovered over or clicked on to reveal more information. If you don't see a lighter green bar you may need to disable your Dark Reader or other dark mode browser extension. This site has a dark mode already.
Is population growth taken into account in projections?
Unfortunately no. For coops, the game's API simply does not expose enough information to make it possible. For non-coops, it is possible to predict population growth if the game is kept offline, but potential active play (which disturbs internal hatchery calm) and the fact that the game syncs at unpredictable moments makes projection unreliable, and considerable over-projection possible in some common scenarios. Therefore, the feature is not implemented for now out of an abundance of caution. With enough user interest, this feature can be reconsidered.